WOW - Episode 122 "A Historic WOW Battle Royal" Review
The Classmaster (and Samantha Smart) have finally accomplished their goal and won the WOW Championship in the long, long, loooong promoted (mildly anticipated) battle royal. Although this episode was promoted as being a full episode, this was largely a one episode match. Two preceding matches, one that didn't make air (Veronica VaRoom vs Kalaki "The Island Girl"), several promos and the battle royal itself made up this "historic" episode of WOW but was it any good? Let's take a listen and find out!!
CHAPTERS: 0:00:00 - Show Open 0:04:52 - News, Views and Updates 0:42:51 - Show Break 0:44:47 - WOW Review (Opening Slate) 0:48:42 - The Recap of WOW's original Battle Royal 0:54:04 - The Environmentalists vs The Dojo Defenders 1:01:20 - Promo segment - Lana Star, HollySwag & Penelope Pink // Princess Aussie 1:06:24 - "Magnificent" Miranda Mirage (w/Siren "The Voodoo Doll") vs Pep Riley 1:31:44 - Veronica VaRoom vs Kalaki "The Island Girl - The Missing Match??? (+ poll results) 1:36:04 - Promos segment II - Genesis // Tormenta // The Classmaster (w/Samantha Smart) 1:40:58 - WOW Video promotion (Be Yourself & Win) 1:46:01 - Promos segment III - Reina Del Rey // Santana Garrett 1:50:15 - The Sibley Scoles (new backstage interviewer) promotional package 2:00:50 - Big Rigs & Bourbon/Animal Instinct backstage segment 2:11:47 - WOW's 12-Woman Battle Royal 2:54:34 - The Classmaster wins (Does her win help WOW?) 3:06:06 - Next Episode Preview 3:10:25 - Show Outro
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Theme Song: "Unstoppable" - CFM Production provided by CFM:
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